
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Logo Logo LOGO

Welp, back to school is already tearing me apart. BUT its gotten me to work on my personal branding much more. Just some thought up ideas for a icon logo and my name brand. Fun, fun, I'm addicted to owls :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Last Day

Well, its official. Its the last first day of college.. Kinda of sad yet exciting, but scary. Still haven't figured out where to go from here but I still have time!! ... Didn't have a picture of my FIRST day of school but its gotta be close to it, by a couple years. My how I've grown.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Just Me

I haven't put an about section on this page yet, which I probably should do. But above pretty much describes me and all that I like, where I'm from and my branding. 
I love photography and old cameras, I have many. I love music, I play the clarinet, piano and saxophone; saxophone is my favorite. I'm obsessed with Earl Grey Tea, it smells like fruit loops. I absolutely LOVE owls, I have a million of them in my apartment.
And thats a quick version of me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wedding Love

This weekend my boyfriends sister got married and while I was just an attendee I can't stop myself from taking pictures of everything..The wedding was small with just family and I found I enjoyed that SO much more than ten million people you don't know. When it comes to my wedding I want it to be something that everyone can enjoy.

Monday, August 6, 2012

All My Children..

So I have three "wonderful" pets that I call my children. I absolutely love them and love coming home to them and kissing all over them even though they absolutely hate it :) To me they are exactly like kids. They don't listen, they are into everything, they keep you up at all hours of the night and early morning and most of all can be the biggest pains ever! For instance, Boots won't stop attacking a plastic bag and is now the reason I am typing this. Each of them has their own personality. Boots, the light grey and white cat is the "man" of the house, or so he likes to think. Sweetpea is our dark grey girl kitty, but I like to call her miss hissy because thats all she does is hiss at every little thing. And Beo is our dog, we just call him..tard cart cause he's not so bright but he's a little sweet heart and mommies boy. You would think that the dog would be ruler of the house but it is SO opposite. Beo runs to me and hides and looks at me like, "Please help me mommy." Then Boots will slowly come walking out of the bedroom with his ears down and evil look on his face like, "He's the one that started it." They are crazy and drive me nuts and there are so many other stories to tell, which I'm sure there will be many new ones to share..

Friday, August 3, 2012


I'm setting up this new blog as a way to keep in touch with clients and everyone out there. Check here of news on my latest shoots, pricing and my life. Thanks!